Date | Time | Event | Opponent | Location | Score | Game Summary | W/L |
Number | Name | Position | Grade |
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Smoky Hill
Buffs Volleyball Tryouts Info
2019-2020 Season
Parents & Players,
Tryouts will be held on Monday Aug 12th - Thursday August 15th. We will notify players on the 14th, whether they have made a team (and which team) or not. An email will be sent to parents and players the evening/night of the 15th.
Historically, volleyball has been a cut sport, and depending on numbers there will likely be cuts this year as well. The coaching staff will be looking for coachable athletes who have a great work ethic, love to compete, and want to learn to become better players and teammates. The coaching staff will evaluate attitude, athletic ability, and volleyball skill in determining teams. The one area each and every player that attends the tryout can control is her attitude. Expect to work hard, be helpful, and demonstrate how great of a teammate you can be.
We will have four teams at Smoky Hill this season.
Freshman |
Sophomore |
JV |
Varsity |
Who is eligible to play? |
9th graders |
9th & 10th graders |
9th - 11th graders |
9-12th graders |
Expected # of players |
12 |
12 |
10-12 |
10-12 |
Playing time |
Guaranteed |
Guaranteed |
Not guaranteed |
Not guaranteed |
League Match Times* |
5:30pm |
4:30pm |
5:00pm |
6:30pm |
Tournament |
Aug 30-31 |
Aug 30-31 |
*Note: All players are expected to be at the gym from 4:05 - end of the varsity match on game days.
Practice Times: TBD
FALL BREAK! We have two games the week of fall break. It is absolutely our expectation that athletes be available.
Transportation: We plan to have a bus for our George Washington and Mullen matches, all other away matches will require parents to help get players to the gym.
The Tryout Process
Players must register with the Athletics office prior to trying out.
Information about registration for tryouts can be found here: https://smokyhill-ar.rschooltoday.com/
You must complete registration online or in person prior to the first day of tryouts. Please try to have your registration (including the physical forms) completed by August 2nd. Friday August 9th is the last day to have them completed in order to tryout on the 12th. They will NOT check in athletes on the first day of tryouts! (Aug 12th). As coaches we are absolutely not allowed to let a player tryout if her registration is not complete. Please do not wait!
Tryout schedule
Mon, August 12th - Thursday, August 15th
Check-in in front of West Gym
Tryouts and practices are closed to anyone not participating, including friends and parents.
Tryouts - What to wear/bring!
Bring: Make sure you have knee pads, athletic shoes, and a water bottle!
Wear: This year I am asking each player to wear a t-shirt color based off their grade. Please do your best to wear a shirt that is primarily the color(s) associated with your grade. Bold color is first choice but just do your best (please do not buy a shirt just for tryouts)!:
9th Grade | 10th Grade | 11th Grade | 12th Grade |
White or other light colors (not red or green) | Black or other dark colors (not red or green) | Green | Red |
I made a team... now what?
Practices: Start Friday 8/16!
Aug 24th (Tentative) - Saturday - team/program building experience.
Mandatory Meet the Coaches and Parent Meeting
Scheduled for 8/16/19 6:45pm in the Lecture Center
During this meeting we will introduce coaches, answer questions, and share expectations for our season. I am really looking forward to making Smoky Hill a program girls are excited to be a part of. Prior to this meeting, please consider whether you are interested in volunteering to help make this a reality. There are a number of opportunities to get involved and support. Here are a few positions and responsibilities we have identified:
Team Parent - Each team will have a parent responsible for communication and organization of events/activities.
Booster club member - Attend regular meetings and help form committees for special events such as homecoming, the banquet, appreciation nights, and so much more! Our booster club keeps this program running!
Team dinner host - this season we would like each team to have three team dinners at a players house. These are great opportunities to bond and build memories. Dinners do not need to be complicated or expensive, examples include taco bar, pizza, lasagna, etc. Families can split the work with one family hosting and another providing the food.
Fundraising: The ‘athletic fee’ paid at registration helps our program run at the functional level - referees, transportation, and necessary equipment. Our fundraising goes a long way towards helping us provide a great experience for our girls and families. Money from fundraising will help pay for shirts and other gear for players to keep, program building experiences, and more. We will be fundraising with eTeamSponsor this year. Similar to SnapRaise it is an easy way to reach out via email to friends, family and neighbors to help bring in money for the program. The best part about eTeamSponsor is that our program gets to keep 100% of the donations we receive.
Spirit fees: Each year our booster club helps us to run a smooth program. We ask families to contribute Spirit Fees, as they are used to provide homecoming shirts, snacks at games, cover player’s banquet costs, and more. Spirit fees in the past have been between $50-$100 dollars. We will finalize and communicate the exact amount after teams are formed and collect payments at the parent meeting.
I did not make a team... now what?
First off thank you!!
Thank you for trying out and for showing an interest in being a part of Smoky Hill Volleyball!
Still want to be a part of the program? Contact coach Kelly to learn more about being a team manager. We will have 2-4 manager positions available. As a manager you will be a vital part of the program, participate in program bonding activities, and have the chance to letter. The time commitment required to be a manager is the same as being a player.
Want to continue playing volleyball? Remember that this is a great sport that can be played at many levels and there are other options out there. Check out the City of Aurora, Trails Rec Center, and Elevation Volleyball Leagues. Let coach Kelly know if you need help finding a place to play, have fun, and get better.
Get involved at Smoky! There are so many ways to get involved in activities and athletics at Smoky. Consider running cross-country or trying field hockey - check out winter and spring sports and get in touch with coaches so that you can go to open gyms and attend any information meetings. Clubs can also be a great way to meet new people and find new passions. Check out all the clubs available here: https://www.cherrycreekschools.org/Page/9799
What about my registration fee? Coach Kelly will provide the athletics office with a list of names to process refunds.
Feel free to reach out with any questions,
Thank you,
The Smoky Hill volleyball coaching staff
To contact coach Kelly: